It’s Your Time to Shine
What is your BIG MOFA?
When you are first starting your health and lifestyle journey it is so important to know WHY you are doing this! Your WHY will become your MOFA.
Greens Challenge
We are going to be diving into adding something GREEN to our foods this week! Yes something green to ONE MEAL each day. Now remember this does not include green M&M's or Lime Margaritas!
Gratitude Challenge
The challenge for this week is to list 5 things you are grateful for in the morning and 5 things you are grateful for before you go to sleep.
Movement Challenge
We are going to be MOVING this week! The challenge for this week is to do 10 MINUTES of EXERCISE a day!
Just 10 minutes - that's all!
Water Challenge
I know life has been trying and that is why I wanted to do something that could help you feel in control of what is going on! Only you can change the way you feel and I want us to do this together. Starting November 2nd ( yep that's TODAY) we are going to enter our first week's challenge: DRINKING WATER!
Start your journey
Ready to feel alive again?