What is your BIG MOFA?
One of the first things I discuss with my clients in either 1:1 coaching or my group coaching programs is the concept of BIG MOFA.
Let’s talk big MOFA
You may be wondering what a Big MOFA even is?
When you are first starting your health and lifestyle journey it is so important to know WHY you are doing this! Your WHY will become your MOFA. It will get you up in the morning, it will remind you of your worth on the days that are hard, it will be your cheerleader telling you not to stop and it will be telling you repeatedly THIS IS WHY WE ARE DOING THIS!
Figuring out your MOFA is a process.
It's like peeling back an onion.
On the surface it may look like your why is being able to fit into your favourite jeans but deep down it is way more than this.
We are complicated humans but really, at the heart of things, we just want to thrive and be alive! Be seen, heard and acknowledged. So behind fitting in those jeans are things that are actually missing in our lives… things that we need to come to fruition in order to live our best lives. Think about why you want to be able to fit into those jeans. Then ask why again and again, until you reach your Big MOFA.
Starting with our desired goals and digging deeper is what coaching is all about. When we only have a surface level reason to change, we don't stick to it because it really isn't the reason we are doing what we are doing.
When we dive deep into what is really going on (which can be uncomfortable but also liberating) we make lasting change! Change that will help you pivot in the direction of your dreams.
Lasting change is my goal for my clients. Real actionable items that will transform your life on a deeper level! Once you are aware of what is holding you back, you can achieve all that you dream of!