Gratitude Challenge
Are you ready for this week's challenge?
We are going to be diving into GRATITUDE this week!
The challenge for this week is to list 5 things you are grateful for in the morning and 5 things you are grateful for before you go to sleep.
Now this may be the first time you have really dove into GRATITUDE but I have to tell you it is one of my favourite practices. Did you know “that you can't be sad and grateful at the same time?” I dare you to try it! They can't exist together.
Here are some tips on how to do this:
1. Find a journal or use my personal gratitude tracker.
2. List 5 things before you even get out of bed. It will truly help start you day in such a positive way!!! (remember to leave it by your bedside so you can do it again at night)
3. Write 5 more things just before you go to bed. It will help you go to sleep in a peaceful state and set the tone for your next day.
4. Finally, don't just list the things you are grateful for but truly feel into it. What does that item, situation or person actually do for you?
I chose GRATITUDE to be one of our challenges as it is the one tool I know of that everyone can easily do and reap the benefits from. It truly is magical and can change the way you see your life and the people in it. It seems so simple yet we don't use it enough.
Let's do this together and help each other reach our goals.
We deserve to finish this year off the best we can!! Who is with me?